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CME Presentations

Free Webinar: Extended Reality (XR) Technology Treatment for Serious Mental Illness
Dr. Kim Bullock explores the theory, evidence, application, challenges, and potential applications of XR for treating serious mental illness (SMI). XR can be used to deliver telehealth, enhance learning and psychotherapy, or change implicit biases/stigma. It may offer many uses in behavioral health such as role-playing opportunities for skills acquisition or help with problems including maladaptive body image/satisfaction, social skills deficits, avoidance behaviors, chronic pain, and somatic symptoms.
3rd Annual Innovations in Psychiatry and Behavioral Health: Virtual Reality and Behavior Change
The 2017 conference of innovations in psychiatry and behavioral health, devoted to virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) technologies and behavioral change. This conference explored the application of immersive technologies for treating and researching addictions, ADHD, anxiety, PTSD, psychosis, pain, depression, psychosomatic illness and more.

Grand Rounds, Webinars, and Talks
Grand Rounds: Exploring the Use of Virtual Reality as an Intervention for Major Depressive Disorder (SUNET Login Required)
Grand Rounds: Virtual Reality Therapies for Functional Neurological Disorder (SUNET Login Required)
2018 FND Hope Interview with Dr. Kim Bullock
2018 Virtual Reality Technology Treatment for Mental Illness talk
2020 CIN Webinar — Extended Reality Technology Treatment for Behavioral Health
Grand Rounds: Exploring the Use of Virtual Reality as an Intervention for Major Depressive Disorder (SUNET Login Required)
Grand Rounds: Virtual Reality Therapies for Functional Neurological Disorder (SUNET Login Required)
2018 FND Hope Interview with Dr. Kim Bullock
2018 Virtual Reality Technology Treatment for Mental Illness talk
2020 CIN Webinar — Extended Reality Technology Treatment for Behavioral Health