Can we use any of your content?

Anything we have on our website you are allowed to download for noncommercial personal or educational use.

If you’re interested in showing our content at a conference, festival, or for research purposes, please contact us here.

Do you have any training modules we can use?

We have some training and treatment lectures on this site that you are welcome to use. If you are interested in learning more about using our content for educational purposes then please contact us here.

How can I join your lab?

Current Stanford students or trainees can propose research or clinical opportunities by contacting us here.

For joint VA Stanford fellowship see War Related Illness and Injury Study Center (WRIISC) at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

Currently we do not have any other openings or positions in the lab or clinic.

How can I participate in studies?

Please check for study recruitment information at this link.

How do I collaborate with the lab?

Please consider joining our community Stanford Psychiatry Immersive Technology Consortium (SPIT-C) by signing up here.

Do you travel to events to give demos?

We do sometimes go to events to give talks and/or demos.

What kinds of VR equipment does your lab use?

 are constantly updating the equipment in our lab to keep up with the latest advances in XR technology. Currently we have at least one of each of the major VR headsets. We are company agnostic and use whatever we believe to be the most fitting for any given study.

Do you collaborate with industry or start ups?

Yes. The following are the different levels and steps of engagement:

    1. Present your product demo at SPIT-C for 10 minutes with 10 minutes open up for questions. You can sign-up to present here.
    2. Request a 30-minute Zoom 1:1 meeting with focused questions and feedback from the presentation.
    3. If the product/service looks promising for use in VR-IT clinic, a free sample to try with patients will be requested.
    4. After one month of usage by VR-IT, request a second 30-minute 1:1 Zoom meeting to discuss feedback. 
    5. If the product is compelling, a request for a donation of the product to the clinic will be made for usage and feedback from real-world patients.
    6. If the VR-IT clinic is using the product regularly, unlimited 1:1 ZOOM feedback will be available.
    7. If applicable, the VR-IT clinic may engage in internally funded clinical studies using your product with your permission.
    8. We do not sign NDA’s unfortunately.  
    9. If  you would like consultation and feedback outside of this framework and our Stanford roles, you can engage in employing willing VR-IT faculty members thru their own consultation practices or as a consultant and advisory roles within your organization with the enclosed limits in mind. Please see here for the Stanford Advisory Agreement).

How can I support the lab’s research?

We make all of our publications and content available for FREE. If you would like to support our work, please consider donating here.